
日本創造学会論文誌 vol.16(2012年)


日本創造学会論文誌 vol.16(2012年)

「5Pモデルの創造性教育体系」試案(招待論文) /髙橋誠
A Proposal of the“5P Model for Creativity Education System”

A Study about the Innovation Process between Organizations on a Joint R&D By the Technological Trajectory Analysis A Case Study on the VLSI Technology Research Association

/ 宇佐美佑介, 羽山徹彩, 國藤 進
Effects by Positive Evaluation and Visualization of Own Ideas’ Number in an Asynchronous Creative Meeting

中等・高等教育受講学生の創造性評価に関する研究/櫻井敬三,蒋 希鳳
A Study on Created Evaluation of Students about 20 years old

学際類比法:創造的問題解決と英知養成への融合的な取り組み / ヘンリー アンダーセン
Transdisciplinary Analogy: a Combined Approach to Creative Problem-solving and Wisdom Development for Leaders

着想を書くことが創造性に与える影響の定量評価 /川路 崇博
Quantitative Evaluation of Effects of Writing/ Drawing an Idea in Creativity

特許知識を活用した技術アイディア発想法 /牧野逸夫,由井薗隆也
Technological Ideas Production Method Utilizing Patent Knowledge

非言語創造性テストの開発と評価/ 櫻井敬三 , 宋 海涛
Development and Evaluation of Non-language Creativity Test

イノベーション発想のための目的展開法と短時間教育の有効性 /三原 康司
Research on Creative Thinking Method The validity of The Purpose Expansion Method for Innovation thinking and short-time education

2×2欲求マトリクス - 心理的価値に基づく利他的コンセプト創出法 - / 麻生陽平, 白坂成功, 保井俊之, 前野隆司
2×2 Needs Matrix – Method for Creation of Altruistic Concept Based on Psychological Benefit -

/ 樋口健夫、由井薗隆也、宮田一乘
Analysis of Creativity Development by TTCT Creativity Test for Idea-Marathon System Training